“The Wee One” Gundy’s Mid Strength Beer


Gundy likes a beer. In his younger days, he liked a full-strength beer, especially after a good day’s work.

You know Gundy – he works hard, bit of a larrikin and no nonsense. These days, he’s a little older and wiser. He still likes a good tasting beer, but he’s a little more responsible.

So Gundy’s daughter – his “Wee One” made a beer for him. Why brew beer if you can’t make one for your dad. 

With notes of tangelo, passionfruit, citrus and pine this Mid Strength is wee on alcohol but big on taste. Straw in colour – fresh and refreshing

Hops – Waimea, Cascade, Galaxy, Citra and Warrior

ABV – 3.5%

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